Barreau du Québec
To ensure the protection of the public, the Barreau du Québec (Québec Bar Association) maximizes trust between lawyers, the public and the government. To this end, the Barreau oversees professional practice, supports members in their practice of law, fosters a sense of affiliation and promotes.
514 954-3411
1 844 954-3411
Centres de justice de proximité du Québec
The Centres de justice de proximité du Québec promote public access to justice through information, support and referral services.
Chambre des notaires du Québec
In keeping with the law, and under the supervision of the Office des professions du Québec, the main mission of the Chambre des notaires is to ensure the protection of the public, users of the professional services of notaries.
514 879-1793
1 800 263-1793
Clinique juridique Juripop
The Juripop legal clinic provides services with a view to making the justice system accessible to everyone. There are four offices in Québec: Longueuil, Québec, Saint-Constant and Sherbrooke.
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
The mandate of the Commission is to take all appropriate measures to promote and uphold the rights and freedoms set out in the Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. This document stipulates that seniors and persons with a disability have the right to be protected from all forms of exploitation. The Commission receives and handles complaints related to this issue.
1 800 361-6477
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
The information department of the Commission des normes du travail, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail [Labour standards, pay equity and occupational health and safety commission, now known by the French acronym CNESST] answers questions concerning the Act respecting labour standards and its related regulations and the Act respecting the National Holiday Act. It also provides information on the procedure for filing a complaint with the Commission des normes du travail.
1 844 838-0808
Commission des services juridiques/aide juridique
514 873-3562
Educaloi is a non-profit group whose mission is to inform Québeckers about their rights and obligations by providing them with quality legal information in clear and concise language.
Pro Bono Quebec
Pro Bono Québec receives requests from the public for free legal servicesconcerning exceptional cases, cases of public interest or cases involvinga risk of irreparable harm. Cases accepted to date by Pro Bono Québec’sapproval committee represent many fields of law: estates, the housing board, occupational health and safety, victim compensation.
514 904-1076