Help and referral lines

Aide aux trans du Québec (ATQ)

This service is provided 24/7.
1 855 909-9038

Alcoholics Anonymous

To find about services in your region, visit their website.

Association québécoise de prévention du suicide

Suicide prevention centres are staffed by professional, qualified workers and trained volunteers who respond to all requests for assistance and questions. In addition, these organizations are actively involved in their community suicide prevention initiatives.
This number puts you in touch with the regional resource. Workers on the other end of the line are trained and competent.
1 866 277-3553

Drogue : aide et référence

This service is provided 24/7.
514 527-2626
1 800 265-2626


Interligne is a front-line service providing assistance and information to individuals concerned about sexual and gender diversity. With its 24/7 phone line, Interligne provides support to LGBTQ+ people, their loved ones and community organizations, schools and health and social service institutions. The Centre conducts awareness activities to instill more social acceptance of LGBTQ+ people.
514 866-6788
1 888 505-1010

Info-Santé 811

Info-Santé 8-1-1 is a telephone consultation line that puts the public in touch with health professionals in the event of a non emergency health problem. The service is provided to the person concerned or their loved ones. Accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, the service is free and confidential. It is available throughout Québec except in Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James and Nunavik.

Info-Social 811

Info-Social 8-1-1 is a telephone help line for people seeking professional assistance for psychosocial problems. The service is provided to the person concerned or her or his loved ones. Accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, the service is free and confidential. It is available throughout Québec except in Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James and Nunavik.

L’Appui — ligne Info-Aidant

A professional telephone help and referral line adapted to the needs of close caregivers of seniors. The goal of this service is to provide guidance and support, from the beginning to the end of the process, and refer caregivers to resources in their community.
1 855 852-7784

Elder Adult Mistreatment Helpline (LAMAA)

The Elder Mistreatment Helpline is a provincial helpline for seniors who arevictims of abuse. It provides services to the general public and elder abuse practitioners and trainers. Anyone concerned by the issue (older person, close caregiver, family member,
practitioner, etc.) can call toll free between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., 7 days a week. The service is confidential and bilingual (English and French; interpretation possible for other languages). Callers have access to social workers (or the equivalent) specialized in abuse who can provide:

  • counselling and support;
  • information;
  • assessment of the situation over the telephone;
    one-time or crisis intervention;
  • telephone follow-up when needed;
  • if necessary, a referral to a more appropriate resource.

1 888 489-ABUS (2287)

Toll-free line for sexual assault victims

A telephone help, information and referral line for victims of sexual assault, their loved ones, and practitioners; bilingual and confidential service. This line provides a needs evaluation, information and referral service to resources offering support and protection.
1 888 933-9007

Narcotics Anonymous

This service is provided 24/7.
1 855 544-6362

S.O.S. Violence conjugale

Provided 24/7, this service is anonymous, confidential and free of charge. A team based in Montréal takes calls from victims of domestic violence and anyone concerned by this issue. All callers receive a warm and respectful response. Staff workers first ascertain
whether the victim is safe; they evaluate the situation, reassure the victim and refer her to an appropriate resource, whether for support, information or shelter. Within minutes, victims may be put in touch with a shelter where they will be safe with their children, if any, and where they will receive the support they need.
1 800 363-9010
438 601-1211


A free, anonymous and confidential help line, available in French and English,Tel-Aide is for anyone who feels the need to talk over their problems or who is contemplating suicide.
514 935-1101


Tel-Écoute is a help line available 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Staffers provide support to people aged 18 and older who are in precarious circumstances or suffering psychological distress. It is a free and confidential support and referral service. The mission of Tel-Aînés is to help seniors diminish their isolation and express their emotions at different stages of aging. It also offers support to close caregivers of seniors and helps them talk about their problems and limits.
TEL-ÉCOUTE : 514 493-4484
TEL-AÎNÉS : 514 353-2463 ou 1 877 353-2460