Health and social services- Complaints

Commissaires aux plaintes et à la qualité des services

Your can file a complaint with a service quality and complaints commissioner, either in writing or orally, by contacting your regional health and social services agency. You can contact them if you are dissatisfied with the care and services you receive from a community agency, private residential facility, seniors residence, ambulance service, or health and social services agency. You can also communicate with the service quality and complaints commissioner associated with the resource or institution in question.
1 877 644-4545

Fédération des centres d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (FCAAP)

The FCAAP represents all the Complaints Assistance and Support Centres (CAAP), which have the mandate of guiding and supporting users who wish to file a complaint against a health and social services agency or facility. Throughout the complaint processing process, users can count on the presence and support of a CAAP counsellor.
418 527-9339
1 877 767-2227

Le Protecteur du citoyen (Québec Ombudsman)

The Québec Ombudsman prevents and corrects errors and injustices committed against any individual or group by a government department, agency of the Québec government, or administrative body of the health and social services system. The Ombudsman’s services are free of charge and all reports and complaints are treated confidentially.
418 643-2688
1 800 463-5070